Dr. Robert Rosenthal

Dr. Robert Rosenthal

Dr. Robert Rosenthal is the Co-President of the Foundation for Inner Peace, which publishes A Course in Miracles. Previously, he served on the Foundation’s Board of Directors for almost 25 years. He has studied and taught the Course’s metaphysics for over 40 years and was a practicing, board-certified psychiatrist and psychotherapist until retiring to assume his new position. Dr. Rosenthal is also the author of From Plagues to Miracles: The Transformational Journey of Exodus, From the Slavery of Ego to the Promised Land of Spirit, which reinterprets the biblical story of Moses and Pharaoh as a parable of the spiritual journey. We spoke primarily about the origin and content of A Course in Miracles. Learn more about Bob Rosenthal here: http://www.fromplaguestomiracles.com