Barbara De Angelis

Barbara De Angelis

Dr. Barbara De Angelis is a best-selling author, popular TV personality and sought-after motivational speaker who has inspired tens of millions of people over the past 35 years. The author of 16 books that have sold over 10 million copies in 25 languages, her expertise in personal transformation and spiritual development is recognized worldwide. She has hosted a daily television show for CBS and a popular radio talk show in Los Angeles, and has been a frequent guest on Oprah, The Today Show, Good Morning America, The View and other popular shows. Her 1994 TV infomercial, Making Love Work, won top honors in the industry and was seen by hundreds of millions of viewers. She is one of only five women to win the Toastmasters International Golden Gavel Award. We spoke about spirituality and love, as expressed in her latest book, The Choice for Love: Entering into a New, Enlightened Relationship with Yourself, Others and the World (click here for a free chapter and an audio). Learn more about Barbara De Angelis here.