Elizabeth Dabney Hochman

Elizabeth Dabney Hochman

Elizabeth Dabney Hochman is the Founding Editor and Executive Director of KidSpirit, a non-profit magazine and online community by and for youth around the world. KidSpirit enables 11-17 year-olds to explore life’s big questions in an open and inclusive context. It provides an outlet for diverse teenagers to discover the essential humanity transcending divergent points of view. Elizabeth has published a number of articles on spiritual development in youth and has presented at venues such as Yale Divinity School, Princeton University, the Religion Communicators Council, Columbia University, and the Parliament of the World’s Religions. Now in its tenth year of publication, KidSpirit is the only youth publication to win a first-place Religion News Association Award for Magazine Overall Excellence (2016). We spoke about KidSpirit and the spirituality of young people today. Learn more about KidSpirit and Elizabeth Dabney Hochman here: https://kidspiritonline.com