Jorge Ferrer, Ph.D.

Jorge Ferrer, Ph.D.

Jorge Ferrer, Ph.D., teaches transpersonal studies, East-West psychology, comparative mysticism, integral development, and other subjects at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Originally from Barcelona, Spain, he also offers workshops, seminars, and presentations internationally. His articles have appeared in numerous professional journals, and he serves on the editorial board of The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, and other publications. His latest book, Participation and the Mystery: Transpersonal Essays in Psychology, Education, and Religion, examines topics such as relationship between science and transpersonal psychology, the nature of a fully embodied spirituality, and the future of religion. We spoke about a range of subjects related to modern spirituality, in particular his perspective on participatory spirituality, which holds that human beings are active co-creators of spiritual phenomena and worlds. Learn more about Jorge Ferrer here.