Judith Teitelman

Judith Teitelman

Judith Teitelman has straddled the worlds of arts, literature and business since she was a teenager, and worked her first job as a salesperson at a B.Dalton/Pickwick Bookstore. Life’s journeys took her from bookstores to commercial fine art galleries to the nonprofit arts and cultural sector, in which she has worked as staff, consultant and educator for more than three decades.Throughout this time, Teitelman continued her pursuit of all things literary. Guesthouse for Ganesha, her debut novel, is described as “a tale of love, loss, and spirit reclaimed” that weaves “Eastern beliefs and perspectives with Western realities and pragmatism.” The journey of the main character, a young Jewish woman, ranges from 1920s Germany to India, and the narrator is Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity known as the destroyer of obstacles. We spoke about the novel and her own spiritual path. Learn more about Judith Teitelman here.