Paul Muller-Ortega

Paul Muller-Ortega

Paul Muller-Ortega, Ph.D., is one of the world’s most highly respected scholars in the field of Indian Religion and Hindu Tantra. He is the founder of Blue Throat Yoga, which teaches the Svatantra philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism, along with the practice of Neelakantha Meditation. For nearly fifty years, Paul has been a pioneer in the technology of Consciousness, lecturing and teaching about meditation and Indian philosophy to hundreds of thousands in North and South America, Europe, and India. Through his books, articles, essays, commentaries, and translations, he has earned a reputation for a remarkable capacity to convey esoteric truths and teachings in an accessible and relevant way. Paul is the author of The Triadic Heart of Shiva: Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta on the Non-Dual Shaivism of Kashmir, as well as numerous scholarly articles. Now retired from twenty-five years teaching at Michigan State and the University of Rochester, Paul teaches how to abide in the heart of Consciousness, a journey that is inspiring, life changing and enlightening. Learn more about Paul Muller-Ortega here.